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Our volunteer Nurse works at CanTeen camp over the weekend!

Last weekend in Toukley one of our Registered Nurses from Healthcare Australia (HCA) worked at a CanTeen camp as part of our year-long local collaboration with the organisation. The camp gave a group of 40 young people between the age of 12-17 years old affected by cancer some much needed support and a break from daily life with cancer.

Every day, another 63 young Australians have their world turned upside down by cancer, whether it’s their own or a close family member’s diagnosis. Dealing with cancer can leave young people feeling very isolated so the chance to meet others their age who are in the same boat is one important way in which CanTeen provides support, said CanTeen CEO Peter Orchard.

Sarah Gilbert, our Branch Manager from the Newcastle Nursing Division said: HCA is really proud to be collaborating with CanTeen and providing nurses to their camps. It is really rewarding to give young people affected by cancer a chance to meet others their age who understand what they’re going through, during a fun weekend outside of hospitals. Our nurses absolutely love working at the camps and find it really gratifying working with such special young people.

During the camp, CanTeen staff ran sessions aimed at helping young people develop skills to cope with the impact cancer has on their life, while our HCA volunteer performed duties such as chemotherapy, administered first-aid, recorded medication dispensed and made sure that all the young people were fit enough to enjoy the camp.

There were also fun activities such as abseiling, snorkeling and raft building activities on the beautiful Tuggerah Lake as well as free time where young people relaxed and hung out together.

CanTeen and HCA are always on the lookout for volunteers and it can be hard to secure a Doctor, Medical Officer or Registered Nurse who can stay the whole length of the camp. If you are a healthcare professional looking for some paid charity work, reach out to us hereor call 02 4952 4888.

If you would like to discuss your Aged Care Learning needs and how the HCA LMS might match your organisational requirements, contact us today.

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