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Five things I learned moving abroad
Overseas Applicants

Five things I learned moving abroad

From left Kate Moore, Casey Harris in the middle, both from the London office and Terrie McEvoy, our Irish Nurse to the right.

Casey Harris worked at Healthcare Australia in the Adelaide office for 4 years as part of the recruitment team and went on her first Europe trip last year in July and caught the travel bug straight away! She was lucky enough to take up an opportunity to work for Healthcare Australia in our London office, where she would be assisting British and Irish Nurses to fulfil their dreams of an adventure down under, guide them on work opportunities and work rights/visas in Australia and how to apply for AHPRA.

Below Casey shares her story on working in another country, the five things she learnt along the way and why it has been the best experience of her life.

Moving to another country was so scary for me at first as I had no family or friends who lived in London but I thought I had nothing to lose. You can’t live a life wondering ‘what if?’ right? So, I started my adventure as a 24-year-old Aussie in London by myself not knowing anyone or anything about London and I can’t tell you enough how much things have changed.

Here are five things I have learnt since moving abroad alone, I hope that I can encourage everyone else to do the same.

1. You are the best company you could have

You can do whatever you want whenever you want when you’re on your own! You don’t get annoyed with anyone or have to wait for anyone, it’s seriously the best!

2.You’re a lot smarter than you think

You learn you don’t need help reading a map or someone answering your silly questions when you can answer them yourself. You realise how much you can do when you are on your own without anyone to rely on.

3.There are so many people in the same situation as you

The thing that made me nervous is that I would struggle to make friends. Little did I know it would be the complete opposite! I have met so many people who are in the exact same situation as me and instantly bonded. Your friends quickly become your family as you are spending so much time with them. I have not had a quiet weekend at home since I have arrived, there is always something to do or new things to see.

4. Getting out of your comfort zone will be the best thing you will ever do

I can be a shy person at first, but travelling alone has taught me so much that I am no longer the quiet one. You are pushed out of your comfort zone as you need to make friends and meet people.

5.Everything happens for a reason

I know at the time it may not seem like it but after everything I have been through since moving abroad I believe in this 100%. You might think: why me? why did that happen? but it always works out in the end.

This experience has put me in the best spot to offer advice, support and guidance for those looking to embark to Australia by themselves. Trust me I have experienced everything you are feeling and thinking right now and I get so excited speaking to others embarking on the same adventure as me! Within the first 3 months of arriving in London, I have been fortunate enough to enjoy the travel side of moving abroad seeing snow in Latvia, enjoying the sunshine in the beautiful Canary Islands and got to meet some amazing Nurses through the cities of Ireland.

Every week my list of places to visit is building (2 years is not going to be long enough!) but so far this year I have already booked trips for Sailing in Croatia, Amsterdam, Belgium, Spain, Oktoberfest and some local music festivals in the UK and Europe. I haven’t even had time to be homesick yet, I mean how can you when you have so much to explore.

Casey will be more than happy to help you on your journey ‘down under’ and answer any questions you may have. Please contact Casey in the London office by emailing [email protected] or calling +44 20 7861 8943.

If you have any general enquiries, please contact the international team at [email protected]

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